Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Herbal Poultice

A poultice is an external herbal preparation that allows an herb's healing properties to work on a specific area (like a wound, bug bite, external infection, or swollen joint) or to be easily absorbed into the bloodstream (if battling a virus or internal infection). It is basically a pile of wet herbs wrapped up like a burrito and held onto the skin.

When making a poultice with fresh herbs, blend or mash with a little hot water; when making a poultice with dried herbs, mix with enough hot water to moisten the entire pile of herbs; when making a poultice with powdered herbs, mix with a little hot water and then with olive oil to make a paste. Wrap the moistened herbs in a piece of cheesecloth or other clean cloth, and place against the skin. Hold in place with your hand or wrap in place using medical tape, a bandage, or plastic. Keep the poultice on the skin for anywhere from 30 minutes to three days, depending on the severity of the illness (less for a garlic poultice). Change the herbs and cloth at least once a day.

To make a garlic poultice:

1. Mash three to five garlic cloves (one to two for a baby or child) onto a piece of cheesecloth or paper towel. I prefer using a garlic press because it is very effective at extracting juice from the clove. And I like using cheesecloth because it makes me feel more "earthy" but a paper towel honestly works just fine.

2. Fold the cheesecloth around the garlic.

3. Flip over and sprinkle just enough hot water onto the herbal wrap to moisten the cheesecloth. (This step isn't always necessary when using a paper towel because the garlic juice typically starts soaking into the paper right away.)

Hold directly on your skin. If treating a wound or other external irritation, hold it on the affected area. If treating an internal infection, hold it on your chest, back (if you have help), or the soles of your feet. Keep the poultice on your skin as long as you can stand it, moving it around as needed. (It will start to burn, especially if using cheesecloth.) I usually try to keep it on my skin for 5 to 20 minutes. When using a poultice on my baby, I try to hold it on his chest, back, and the sole of each foot for 20 to 30 seconds at each location.

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